... the formula is a beautiful expression of the perfect putt, which is a downswing 2x's faster than the resonance of the pendulum motion you are making in the putt. I don't know how this relates to photography, but a blog is about life right?!
So yesterday I was a dismal failure in the Physics department, and today I failed because I read two incredible books. The first one is about being an intern, the year after med school where you work long hours and do tons of grunt work. Its like a rite of passage for Physicians. It is incredibly fascinating and makes me very excited (and nervous) about the future because being a Dr. is an incredible amount of work!

The other book I read was about Conservatism. I don't want to get into politics on my blog but this book was really great at describing a conservating position and even better at describing the danger and frustration conservatives see in a liberal socialist "progressive" agenda. So, if you are a liberal read the book, if you are a conservative read the book, if you are in between, read the book. Whether you agree or disagree with it doesn't matter so much to me as long as you take time to digest what Mark Levin has to say!

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