For each commission we provide a collection of art work that tells your story. The result is a work that speaks of the love and joy of a new, blossoming relationship.
Ben's camera has taken him to over twenty countries as he continues studying life, science, and spirituality. One day He is going to be a doctor, serving the underprivileged in the kinds of places of the world no one else will. In the mean time he keeps learning and looking forward to where his camera will take him next.
Currently Ben and his wife Christi currently live in hampton roads, va
Ben is a member of the Artistic Guild of the Wedding Phojournalist Assocation.
We have also recently began developing a new site dedicated to offering affordable products to help "weekend warriors", aspiring photographers and professionals develop their web presence and product offerings. If you are interested in becoming a photographer, or in finding ways to save time in your workflow check out our new site!

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