If you have ever driven the HRBT then you don't need to read any more. You already know. Its terrible, always terrible. When you think it will be fine its worse than ever. If traffic is great, then some bozo will overheat his car in the bottom of it and then traffic will stop for the rest of the day. As soon as rush hour traffic is over, which usually takes 3-4 hours to clear up, the insane VDOT people will shut down the tunnel for routine maintenance, which is nothing more than union guys walking around down there pretending to work.
Now, I understand they need to work, but not at 9 at night. Do it at 3 in the morning when no one's driving.
Anyways, I get all the way to the bridge and then I sit there, literally sit there for 2 and a half hours, and a 30 minute, 20 mile drive turns into a three hour night. My paper, which was due at midnight, is now an hour late.
I didn't take any of these pictures, i stole them, from google.

So, the moral of the story is, if the government can't keep a road open at any given point during the day, for any decent amount of the time, then I'm sure not going to trust them with my health care!
I have decided that I will never ever take the HRBT again. I will go out of my way a few extra miles and take the Monitor Merrimac. If the MM is closed I'll just take the James River Bridge.
I hate you HRBT, I hate you so much.
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