I'm saying hello to my old cell phone today! Actually its more like I'm saying goodbye to my new one. I first got the blackberry pearl, a little over a year ago. I instantly fell in love with having the internet and email on my phone. Then I upgraded to the blackberry storm, and then became completely addicted.
There's this thing about addictions... you start to hate the very thing you are addicted to. And now I can honestly say that I hate my cell phone! I wake up in the morning and I reach over and grab it and find myself looking at news websites even though I don't really want to know what's going on when I first wake up! I get emails but its too awkward to try and respond so then I just go all day knowing what work I have ahead of me. I'd rather just wait, get all my emails at once and then spend the hour or two just responding all at once.
Anyways, I've been thinking about it for awhile now because it seemed like every wedding we shot this spring had some guy sitting at his table, oblivious to the world around him because he was on his blackberry. I don't want to be THAT GUY. The guy who lets his wife dance all night with her friends while he reads espn and checks his facebook and twitter status. That guy is no fun! I thought I got a blackberry for freedom but when my wife caught me pulling out my blackberry to check the drudgereport when we were at a family dinner I realized that I had sought freedom from my computer, but in exchange I became a slave to the phone in my pocket.

So... if you need me immediately, just call! I'll gladly go through the small talk that email helps us avoid:) or... I do text, though now I have to do in on a tiny keyboard!
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