Sometimes when i download the pictures right before I'm trying to go to bed I see one that really jumps out at me and I just HAVE to get it out there. So here's one I took tonight at East Beach with this super cool girl named Gabby. I had a lot of fun taking her senior pics, and when I post the pictures later you'll definitely know that Gabby had fun as well!
When I was up in DC a couple of weeks ago for a wedding I sent Christi (my wife) and our good friend jenelle ( down to greenvill, NC to shoot a wedding. I had very very high expectations because Jenelle is an awesome photographer and Christi is getting so good she makes me look bad at times! Anyways, I was expecting good things but was blown away when I snuck on Jenelle's computer to see what she had done with them. I pulled a few off onto my usb drive, brought them home and got them on here as fast as possible.
Great Job Girls!
Now, Jess and Marty. You have to understand, these guys are awesome, real troopers when it comes to taking pictures, and I've really enjoyed getting to know them... stay tuned for Trash the Dress session coming at you real soon:)
Here are some previews from Christina and Alex's wedding. We had an awesome time in Georgetown for the weekend. Thanks for letting us share your special day!