My poor crazy dog. She returned home last night after having her "womanhood removed" I always thought spayed sounds too much like the procedure... except they don't use a shovel. Just too much imagery for me! But, she's doing great and has to wear this stupid scratch collar for the next week! My dog is the ultimate tom-boy, running around in the mud, getting dirty, playing hard and this collar is driving her nuts!

In other news...
Our pre-wedding counselor told us that he is responsible for the vacuuming in the house. Now, guess who is responsible for the vacuuming in our house?! ME! I shouldn't have been surprised that it would turn out like this but I really don't mind. Anyways, someone gave us a vacuum for our wedding, and it worked great for a year but then it started over heating and shutting down after I would sweep one room and the whole house would smell like burnt carpet. SO, we splurged and bought the number 1 rated vacuum on consumer reports... its an electrolux, I actually got it refurbished on for a steal!
